Do you know that if you have poor heart health, it can reflect in your blood pressure level or vice versa? That is because your heart and blood pressure are closely linked to one another.

For example, if you’re constantly showing signs of high blood pressure, the more at risk you’ll develop heart disease. Moreover, foods for high pressure, vices, and unhealthy lifestyle can affect your heart health.

To better understand the relationship between the heart and blood pressure, read the following article.

What can happen to your heart if you have uncontrolled high blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against your arterial walls. And that force depends on the pumping action of your heart. 

The normal blood pressure for most adults is 120/80 mmHg. If you have a reading of 140/90 mmHG or more, you have high blood pressure or hypertension.

If your hypertension is uncontrolled, your heart will suffer and can develop any of the following cardiovascular problems:

Heart attack

Smoking, lack of physical activity, obesity, and foods for high pressure, such as salty and fatty foods, often contribute to hypertension and heart attack. The fatty deposits or plaque can narrow down your arterial walls, leading to high blood pressure. If a plaque breaks off from the walls, it can completely block your arteries – severely reducing the blood flow and oxygen toward your heart, resulting in a sudden heart attack.

Heart failure

Unlike a heart attack, heart failure is gradual rather than sudden. If you have chronic or long-standing hypertension, your heart will slowly weaken over time. This makes your heart unable to keep up with its workload of efficiently pumping blood throughout the body. 


An unhealthy heart and blood pressure level can also lead to arrhythmia. Arrhythmia means “irregular heartbeat.” If you have high blood pressure, your heart rhythm is often disrupted, resulting in a too-fast (tachycardia) or a too-slow (bradycardia) heartbeat. Most arrhythmias are harmless, but they can also be a sign of a more serious heart condition.

Tips to maintain heart health and a normal blood pressure level

To avoid developing heart disease, maintain a normal blood pressure level with the following tips:

Drink iced beverages like Lowsutea

The hot weather can also induce high blood pressure. To keep your body cool, drink iced beverages such as Lowsutea. You can enjoy Lowsutea warm or cold, depending on your preference. It’s the perfect drink for anyone who wants to manage the 3 highs of the body, including blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar. 

Quit smoking

The nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes can damage your heart and blood vessels. Plus, these chemicals promote the formation of blood clots. If you want to have a healthy heart and blood pressure, quit smoking.

Keep your body active

Exercising can help make the heart stronger, improve your body’s blood circulation, and shed those extra pounds. With a fit body, you’ll be able to lessen the workload of your heart and maintain normal blood pressure.

Eat fiber-rich foods

Fiber-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, can prevent the formation of plaques in your arteries. They also help control your appetite and prevent overeating. As for foods to avoid with high blood pressure, you should limit your intake of salty and fatty foods.

Care for the heart

Now that you know the link between heart and blood pressure, it’s better to prioritize heart-healthy habits and monitor your blood pressure regularly to maintain optimal cardiovascular well-being.

If you want to learn more about what to do when blood pressure is high, you can check out Lowsutea’s 5 Programs. Our programs provide you with science-backed information on recognizing signs of high blood pressure, guiding you toward a suitable diet for diabetics and pre-diabetics, and much more!

To promote a healthier heart, blood pressure, and overall well-being, purchase our Lowsutea products today!