Avoiding Sugar in Diet By Knowing These Hidden Sugary Sources

Eating something sugary sweet offers an instant energy source, plus it helps enhance your mood. However, too much sugar can increase your risk of having diabetes. So it’s better to be mindful of your sugar intake by avoiding sugar in diet. But this can be quite tricky since sugar can surprisingly sneak into your everyday foods. 

Foods for high blood sugar, such as candies, pastries, and sodas, aren’t the only culprits in making your body show signs of high blood sugar. Even “healthy foods” have sugar in them. To better manage your blood sugar levels, know these hidden sugary sources.

Surprising sources of sugar

Avoiding sugar in diet is one of the keys to maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle. If you educate yourself with these hidden sugary sources, it’ll be easier for you to manage your 3 highs in health such as blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

Fresh and dried fruits

Fruits have naturally-occurring sugars. And most people think that it’s OK to eat fresh fruits as much as they like since their sugars are healthy and natural. While this is true, it can still spike your blood sugar levels. More so if you eat dried fruits that have more concentrated sugar content. According to the USDA, it’s safe to consume 1 cup of fresh fruits (or fruit juice) per day or ½ cup of dried fruits daily. 

Dressings, sauces, and marinades

Sometimes, you tend to overlook the impact of dressings, sauces, and marinades on your health since they’re not the main dishes. However, when avoiding sugar in diet, it’s important to consider everything you use in food preparation, including condiments and sauces. These additives may contain table sugar, ketchup, or honey. So, be mindful of how much dressing or sauce you add to your food.

Protein bars

Protein bars are often considered exempt from the list of foods to avoid with high blood sugar because they’re primarily marketed for their protein content. But some protein bars taste sweet, right? This means that they also have sugar. If you don’t want to have high blood sugar levels, eat protein bars moderately.

White bread

If you’re fond of eating white bread, it’s better to replace it with whole wheat, whole grain, multi-grain, or gluten-free bread. White bread has a high glycemic index, meaning it can rapidly spike your blood sugar level. But with the mentioned alternatives, you can enjoy bread with minimal added sugar and more fiber nutrients.

Milk alternatives

You may have switched from cow milk to soy milk, almond milk, or oat milk for a healthier milk option. But even so, these healthier choices still contain sugar. If you want to maintain your blood sugar levels, it’s better to drink no more than 2 cups of these milk alternatives per day.

Easily maintain blood sugar levels with Lowsutea

Avoiding sugar in diet seems challenging since most everyday foods contain sugar. But this could be made easier if you include Lowsutea in your diet. Lowsutea is a sugar-cleansing tea that helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. So if you’re wondering what to do when blood sugar is high, drink Lowsutea.

Aside from our tea product, you can follow our 5 Programs to ensure a normal blood sugar level.

The 5 Programs include

(1) Diet Program,

(2) Exercise Program,

(3) Weight Control Program,

(4) Blood Tracking, and

(5) Doctor Webinar.

In our programs, we share information about foods to avoid with high blood sugar, the right diet for diabetics and pre-diabetics, great exercises for the body, and much more!